Day 19: Custom Post Type and Translation with WP


Custom Post Type (CPT) is a content type that you can define and create to organize and display different types of content beyond the default posts and pages. Custom Post Types allow you to extend the functionality of WordPress and create content structures tailored to your specific needs.

Default Post Types:

WordPress comes with several default post types, including:

  1. Post (post): The standard blog post.
  2. Page (page): Static pages like About Us, Contact, etc.
  3. Attachment (attachment): Media attachments like images and files.
  4. Revision (revision): Revisions of posts/pages.
  5. Navigation menu (nav_menu_item): Menu items
Creating a Custom Post Type:

To create a new Custom Post Type, you can use the register_post_type() function. This function should typically be placed in your theme’s functions.php file or in a custom plugin.


translation is often handled using the gettext functions, and there are specific hooks and functions available for handling translations. The primary function for translating text is __() (double underscore), and there’s also a related function called _e() for echoing translated text. Here’s an overview of the hooks and functions used for translations in WordPress:



  • Description: This hook is used to load a language-specific MO file for a given text domain.
  • Usage:
add_action('load_textdomain', 'my_custom_load_textdomain');

function my_custom_load_textdomain() {
    load_textdomain('my-theme-textdomain', get_template_directory() . '/languages');


  • Description: This hook is commonly used to set up theme-related functionalities. It’s often used to load the theme’s text domain for translation.
  • Usage:
add_action('after_setup_theme', 'my_theme_setup');

function my_theme_setup(){
    load_theme_textdomain('my-theme-textdomain', get_template_directory() . '/languages');

In WordPress, translation is often handled using the gettext functions, and there are specific hooks and functions available for handling translations. The primary function for translating text is __() (double underscore), and there’s also a related function called _e() for echoing translated text. Here’s an overview of the hooks and functions used for translations in WordPress:


  1. __():
  • Description: This function is used for translating text.
  • Usage:
    php $translated_string = __('Hello, World!', 'my-theme-textdomain');
  1. _e():
  • Description: This function is used for translating text and echoing it directly.
  • Usage:
    php _e('Hello, World!', 'my-theme-textdomain');
  1. esc_html__():
  • Description: Similar to __() but used for escaping HTML entities in the translated text.
  • Usage:
    php $translated_string = esc_html__('Hello, World!', 'my-theme-textdomain');
  1. esc_attr__():
  • Description: Similar to esc_html__() but used for escaping text for use in HTML attributes.
  • Usage:
    php $translated_string = esc_attr__('Hello, World!', 'my-theme-textdomain');

These functions and hooks are part of the internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) process in WordPress, allowing developers to make their themes and plugins translatable. The text domain ('my-theme-textdomain' in the examples) is a key identifier used to associate translations with a specific theme or plugin.

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