WordPress template hierarchy (visual overview):

Home Page Display:
By default, WordPress sets your site’s home page to display your latest blog posts. This page is called the blog posts index. You can also set your blog posts to display on a separate static page.
- home.php: Used to render the blog posts index, whether it is being used as the front page or on a separate static page. If home.php does not exist, WordPress will use index.php.
- index.php: Default fallback for rendering the blog posts index.
- front-page.php: Overrides home.php if exists.
Front Page Display:
The front-page.php template file is used to render your site’s front page, whether it displays the blog posts index or a static page.
- front-page.php: Renders the front page, taking precedence over the blog posts index template.
- home.php: Used if front-page.php does not exist and the front page displays the blog posts index.
- page.php: Used when the front page is set as a static page.
Privacy Policy Page Display:
The privacy-policy.php template file is used to render your site’s Privacy Policy page.
- privacy-policy.php: Renders the Privacy Policy page, taking precedence over other static page templates.
- custom template file: Page template assigned to the Privacy Policy page.
Single Post Display:
The single post template file is used to render a single post.
- single-{post-type}-{slug}.php
- single-{post-type}.php
- single.php
- singular.php
- index.php
Single Page Display:
The template file used to render a static page (page post-type).
- custom template file
- page-{slug}.php
- page-{id}.php
- page.php
- singular.php
- index.php
Category Display:
Rendering category archive index pages.
- category-{slug}.php
- category-{id}.php
- category.php
- archive.php
- index.php
Tag Display:
To display a tag archive index page.
- tag-{slug}.php
- tag-{id}.php
- tag.php
- archive.php
- index.php
Custom Taxonomies Display:
Custom taxonomies use a slightly different template file path.
- taxonomy-{taxonomy}-{term}.php
- taxonomy-{taxonomy}.php
- taxonomy.php
- archive.php
- index.php
Custom Post Types Display:
Custom Post Types use the following path to render the appropriate archive index page.
- archive-{post_type}.php
- archive.php
- index.php
Author Display:
Rendering author archive index pages.
- author-{nicename}.php
- author-{id}.php
- author.php
- archive.php
- index.php
Date Display:
Date-based archive index pages.
- date.php
- archive.php
- index.php
Search Result Display:
Search results follow the same pattern as other template types.
- search.php
- index.php
404 (Not Found) Display:
404 template files are called in this order.
- 404.php
- index.php
Attachment Display:
Rendering an attachment page.
- {MIME-type}.php
- single-attachment-{slug}.php
- single-attachment.php
- single.php
- singular.php
- index.php
Embeds Display:
The embed template file is used to render a post which is being embedded.
- embed-{post-type}-{post_format}.php
- embed-{post-type}.php
- embed.php
- wp-includes/theme-compat/embed.php
Non-ASCII Character Handling:
Since WordPress 4.7, any dynamic part of a template name which includes non-ASCII characters in its name supports both the un-encoded and the encoded form.
Filter Hierarchy:
The WordPress template system lets you filter the hierarchy.
Common Theme Functions
- wp_head(): This function is used to output crucial information for the head section of your theme, such as stylesheets, scripts, and meta tags. It’s typically called within the
section of your theme’s header.php file.
<?php wp_head(); ?>
- wp_footer(): Similar to wp_head(), this function outputs essential scripts and markup for the footer section of your theme. It’s usually called just before the closing
tag in your theme’s footer.php file.
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
- get_header(): This function fetches the header.php template file of your theme. It’s commonly used to include the header section in other template files, like index.php, single.php, etc.
<?php get_header(); ?>
- get_footer(): Similar to get_header(), this function includes the footer.php template file of your theme into other template files.
<?php get_footer(); ?>
- get_sidebar(): This function fetches the sidebar.php template file of your theme. It’s used to include a sidebar section in other template files.
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
- body_class(): This function adds classes to the
tag based on the current page, post, or category being viewed. It’s typically used in the body tag of your theme’s header.php file.
<body <?php body_class(); ?>>
- post_class(): Similar to body_class(), this function adds classes to the post div based on the current post being displayed. It’s usually used within the loop in template files like single.php and index.php.
<div id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>
- the_post_thumbnail(): This function displays the featured image (post thumbnail) of the current post within the loop. It’s commonly used in template files like single.php and archive.php.
<?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?>
- the_content(): This function outputs the content of the current post within the loop. It’s used to display the main content of a post or page.
<?php the_content(); ?>
- the_title(): Similar to the_content(), this function outputs the title of the current post or page within the loop.
<?php the_title(); ?>
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