Day 2: Exploring LMS of rtCamp

The day started with the L&D orientation where we get to know about the training details, like timings and platforms etc. We were shared with all the parameters on which the training will be judged.

Course Structure

We will be having multiple courses throughout the training started with the Engineering Basics course which will takes us on a ride to revise things which we might have learnt earlier.

Each Course have multiple modules and And some modules might have quizzes associated with them.

Judging Criteria

We will be judged on multiple factors which includes Quizzes in the modules, Quiz after the course, PRs on Github and Interview by our POD leaders. There are other factors involved as well, moreover we need to score at least 70% in order to complete the assignment.

Not-Todo list

Throughout the training we will be given multiple details feedbacks even when we do something wrong. All we need to do is do not repeat the same mistake again and again. That includes Poor performance, Delays on github, No regular Updates and more importantly not informing about the Blockers which we might face throughout the training.

Creation of PODs

We all were divided in the group of 6 with 1 leader which will be referred as POD leader in here. We have a Introduction session with the POD leaders but my POD leader Mukul was on a scheduled leave for today. So, I cannot have an interaction with him today, but I’ll meet him tomorrow.

Start of the Training

I got access to the rtCamp’s LMS today at have started with the Engineering Basics Course Overview. It will have a mixture of video, articles and some quizzes.

Moreover the main training will start from tomorrow, after I’ll meet with my POD leader. After that I connect with my rtBuddy again and we discuss on the progress and setup chrome extension for Everhour.

Day SyncUp

I was introduced with the Everhour a time tracker app. I integrated it with the github and also told by the L&D team on how to update time over there. After that we quickly discussed on Daily Updates and Github Discussions and how to use it.

That’s it. See you tomorrow.

“Good Work. Good People.”

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