Day 27: Exploring WP REST API

Understanding the WP REST API:

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s have a quick chat about what the WP REST API is. Imagine your website is a treasure chest full of information, and the API is the key that lets other applications unlock and access that treasure. It’s like a friendly messenger that delivers or retrieves data in a standardized way.

WP REST API and Fields:

Now, let’s talk about _fields. In simple terms, think of fields as specific pieces of information you want to fetch about a post or a page. By using _fields in your API request, you’re telling WordPress to only give you the details you’re interested in.


Assume you want to fetch information about a post, but you’re only interested in the post title and date. You can use _fields to request only these specific fields.,date

This API request will return a JSON response with only the requested fields:

  "title": "Day 26: BreakPoints and WP REST API",
  "date": "2024-03-04T20:45:58"

WP REST API and Embeds:

Next up, let’s talk about _embedded. This is like asking WordPress to bring along some friends when it gives you information. If you’re fetching a post, for example, you might want to know who wrote it or what category it belongs to. Embeds help you get this additional information in a single API request.


Consider you’re fetching a post, and you also want information about the author and categories. You can use _embedded to include these details in the same API response.

The JSON response will now include not only the post details but also information about the author and categories:

  "title": "Day 26: BreakPoints and WP REST API",
  "date": "2024-03-04T20:45:58",
  "_embedded": {
    "author": {
      "name": "Naman Khare",
      "link": ""

Advantages of Using _fields and _embedded:

  1. Reduced Data Transfer: By specifying only the necessary fields with _fields, you can reduce the amount of data transferred between your website and the application, improving performance.
  2. Consolidated Information: With _embedded, you can consolidate related information, reducing the need for multiple API requests and making your application more efficient.
  3. Improved Frontend Rendering: Embedding related data can simplify the process of rendering content on your website’s frontend, as you have all the necessary details in a single API response.

Disadvantages and Considerations:

  1. Overhead with Large Embeds: If the embedded data is extensive, it may result in a larger API response, potentially impacting performance. Consider your specific use case and the amount of data being embedded.
  2. Compatibility: Not all endpoints support _fields and _embedded. Ensure that the specific endpoint you are querying supports these parameters by checking the API documentation.
  3. Potential for Information Overload: While embedding related data can be useful, including too much information might lead to information overload. Be mindful of the balance between useful data and unnecessary clutter.


wp_localize_script is a function in WordPress used to make localized strings or other data available to JavaScript consistently and securely. This function is often used when enqueuing scripts in WordPress to pass data from the server-side (PHP) to the client-side (JavaScript).

Here’s a basic explanation of how wp_localize_script works:

  1. Enqueuing Script:
    First, you enqueue your JavaScript file using the wp_enqueue_script function. This function is used to include scripts in WordPress, and it allows you to specify dependencies, version numbers, and other parameters.
   wp_enqueue_script('my-script', 'path/to/my-script.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true);

In this example, ‘my-script’ is the script handle, and ‘path/to/my-script.js’ is the URL to your JavaScript file. The third parameter (array('jquery')) specifies that the script depends on jQuery.

  1. Localizing Script:
    After enqueuing the script, you can use wp_localize_script to pass data from PHP to JavaScript.
   wp_localize_script('my-script', 'myScriptData', array(
       'someKey' => 'someValue',
       'anotherKey' => 'anotherValue'
  • 'my-script' is the handle of the script you previously enqueued.
  • 'myScriptData' is the name of the JavaScript object that will be created.
  • The third parameter is an array of data that you want to pass to the script.
  1. Accessing Data in JavaScript:
    Now, in your JavaScript file (my-script.js), you can access the localized data using the myScriptData object.
   console.log(myScriptData.someKey);       // Outputs: someValue
   console.log(myScriptData.anotherKey);    // Outputs: anotherValue

The wp_localize_script function automatically generates a JavaScript object that mirrors the structure of the PHP array you provided.

This process is useful when you need to pass dynamic data (like URLs, nonces, or configuration settings) from the server to your JavaScript files. It ensures that the data is available in a structured manner and helps in creating more maintainable and secure WordPress themes and plugins.

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