Day 10: Revision and Q&A

Terminal Commands For Processes

There are two commands available in Linux to track running processes. These two commands are Top and Ps.

Using top:

  • PID: Unique Process ID given to each process.
  • User: Username of the process owner.
  • PR: Priority given to a process while scheduling.
  • NI: ‘nice’ value of a process.
  • VIRT: Amount of virtual memory used by a process.
  • RES: Amount of physical memory used by a process.
  • SHR: Amount of memory shared with other processes.
  • S: state of the process
    • ‘D’ = uninterruptible sleep
    • ‘R’ = running
    • ‘S’ = sleeping
    • ‘T’ = traced or stopped
    • ‘Z’ = zombie
  • %CPU: Percentage of CPU used by the process.
  • %MEM; Percentage of RAM used by the process.
  • TIME+: Total CPU time consumed by the process.
  • Command: Command used to activate the process.

using ps:

PIDprocess ID
TTYterminal type
TIMEtotal time the process has been running
CMDname of the command that launches the process
Details for PS command

To kill the particular process we can use the PID or process Id

kill [PID]

In case the process ignores the normal kill request then we can send the signal -9 SIGKILL to the process.

kill -9 [PID]

How to read and execute commands without reloading the environment?

Using the source command, source ~/.bashrc

What is a DocBlock?

A DocBlock is a piece of documentation in your source code that informs you what the function of a certain class, method or other Structural Element is.


 * This is a DocBlock.
function associatedFunction()



I am simplifying the JS closure again to get a better understanding of the concept.

A closure is when a function “remembers” its surrounding environment even after the function has finished executing. It’s like a function bundled together with the variables from its parent scope.

function outerFunction() {
  let outerVariable = "I am from outerFunction";

  function innerFunction() {

  return innerFunction;

// Create a closure by assigning the innerFunction to a variable
let closure = outerFunction();

// Call the closure, and it still has access to outerVariable
closure(); // Outputs: "I am from outerFunction"

In simple terms, a closure allows a function to access variables from its outer (enclosing) scope even after that scope has completed its execution.

“Good Work. Good People.”

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