Day 12: WordPress With Gutenberg (Block Editor)

Flashback of Editors

Initially, WordPress had editor called the “Classic Editor” or “TinyMCE editor”. It was a simple tool that helped people create content on WordPress.

But in 2018 WordPress launched their famous Block Editor aka Gutenberg. At first it wasn’t liked by everyone and had controversies around it. It was release as a plugin an extension to the WordPress’ good old Classic Editor. Here is the link to the detailed article by me in early 2019.

Common Block available in Gutenberg

  1. Paragraph Block: Basic text content.
  2. Heading Block: For creating headings of different levels.
  3. Image Block: To insert images into your content.
  4. Gallery Block: Allows you to display multiple images in a gallery format.
  5. List Block: Creates ordered or unordered lists.
  6. Quote Block: For displaying a quote or citation.
  7. Audio Block: Embeds audio files.
  8. Cover Image Block: Combines text and image in a cover-style layout.
  9. Video Block: Embeds videos from various platforms.
  10. File Block: Allows users to download files.
  11. Button Block: Adds a button with customizable text and links.
  12. Table Block: Inserts tables into your content.
  13. Separator Block: Adds horizontal lines or separators.
  14. Spacer Block: Adds empty space or padding.
  15. Columns Block: Divides content into multiple columns.
  16. Social Icons Block: Links to social media profiles.
  17. Widget Area Block: Integrates widgets areas within your content.
  18. Latest Posts Block: Displays a list of your latest blog posts.
  19. Embeds Block: Allows you to embed content from external sources like YouTube, Twitter, etc.
  20. Code Block: Inserts code snippets into your content.


WordPress plugins are like magic tools that bring extra capabilities to your WordPress website. Think of them as add-ons or extensions that can be easily installed to enhance the functionality of your site. Whether you need to optimize your site for search engines, secure it from potential threats, or add advanced features like e-commerce or event management, there’s likely a plugin that can do the job. Plugins are designed to make your life easier by providing solutions to common challenges or by introducing entirely new possibilities.

Some common examples are: Yoast SEO, WooCommerce, Jetpack etc.


Widgets allow you to add various elements to your site without having to dive into the intricacies of coding. Common widgets include search bars, recent posts, categories, tags, calendars, and more. They contribute to the overall user experience by providing quick access to essential information and enhancing the visual appeal of your website.

Introduction to Astra Theme

1. Lightweight and Fast:

  • Astra is designed to be lightweight, ensuring fast loading times for your website. This is crucial for providing a positive user experience and for search engine optimization.

2. Pre-Built Starter Sites:

  • Astra offers a library of pre-built starter sites that you can import with a single click. These starter sites cover various niches and industries, providing a quick starting point for your website design.

3. Customization Options:

  • The Astra theme provides extensive customization options through the WordPress Customizer. Users can easily modify site layouts, colors, fonts, and other design elements without the need for coding.

4. WooCommerce Integration:

  • Astra is compatible with WooCommerce, the popular e-commerce plugin for WordPress. It provides styling options and features that enhance the appearance of your online store.

5. Accessibility and SEO-Friendly:

  • Astra follows best practices for web accessibility, ensuring that your website is usable for people with disabilities. Additionally, it is built with SEO in mind, contributing to better search engine rankings.

6. Header and Footer Builder:

  • Astra includes a header and footer builder, allowing users to create custom headers and footers for their websites with a drag-and-drop interface.

“Good Work. Good People.”

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